## Die wichtigsten Abkürzungen in Überblick | **Abkürzung** | **Deutsch** | **English** | | ADS | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | Algorithms and Datastructures | | AGT | Algorithmsche Graphentheorie | Graph theory | | Ana | Analysis | (Mathematical) Analysis | | ASPO | Allgemeine Studien- und Prüfungsordnung | Study and exam regulations | | ASQ | Allgemeine Schlüsselqualifikationen | General key qualifications | | AstA | Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss | General Student council | | AutReg | Automations- und Regelungstechnik | Automation Engineering and Cybernetics | | AI | Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) | Artificial Intelligence | | BA | Bachelorarbeit | Bachelor's thesis | | Bib | Bibliothek | Library | | BibSem | Bibliotheks- und Seminarzentrum | Library and Seminar Centre | | CAIDAS | Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | | c.t. | cum tempore | cum tempore | | Cafete | Cafeteria | cafeteria | | CIP(-Pool) | Computer Investitions Program | computer investition program | | CoMa | Computational Mathematics | Computational Mathematics | | CP | Kreditpunkte | Credit points | | DB | Datenbanken | Databases | | DGL | Differentialgleichungen | Differential equations | | Diskrete | Diskrete Mathematik | Discrete Mathematics | | ECTS | European Credit Transfer System | European Credit Transfer System | | EUL | Erweiterte Universitätsleitung | Extended University Executives | | FachIni | FachschaftsInitiative | Initiative of a students' representatives' group | | FakMI | Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik | Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics | | FP | (Einführung in die) Funktionale Programmierung | (Introduction to) Functional Programming | | FKR/FakRat | Fakultätsrat | Faculty council | | FlugSim | Flugsimulator | Flight simulator | | FMI | Fachschaft Mathematik/Informatik | Students' representatives for Mathematics and Informatics | | FSB | Fachspezifische Bestimmungen | Major-specific definitions | | FSQ | Fachspezifische Schlüsselqualifikationen | Major-specific key qualifications | | FSR | Fachschaftenrat | Council of the students' representatives | | FunAna | Funktionalanalysis | Functional analysis | | FuTheo | Funktionentheorie | Function theory | | fzs | freier zusammenschluss der studierendenschaften | open association of general student councils | | GdP | Grundlagen der Programmierung | Fundamentals of Programming | | GE | Games Engineering | Games Engineering | | GHG | Grüne Hochschulgruppe | Green Univertity Group | | GOP | Grundlagen- und Orientierungsprüfung | Fundamentals and Orientation Examination | | HCI | Human-Computer-Interaction | Human-Computer-Interaction | | HiWi | Hilfswissenschaftler | Research assistent | | HP | Homepage | Homepage | | HuWi | Humanwissenschaftler | Humanitarian sciences' student | | HWP | Hardwarepraktikum | Practical hardware course | | Info | Informatik | Computer Science | | InfoHaF | Informatik für Hörer aller Fakultäten | CS for attendants from all faculties | | InNa | Informatik und Nachhaltigkeit | Computer Science and Sustainability | | ITSec | (Einführung in die) IT-Sicherheit | (Introduction to) IT Security | | RIÜ | Rechnernetzte und Informationsübertragung | Computer Networks and Data Transfer | | ICG | Interaktive Computergraphik | Interactive Computer Graphics | | JJ | Jens Jordan | Jens Jordan | | JPP | Java-Programmier-Praktikum | Practical Java course | | JuSo | Jungsozialisten | Young Socialist University Group | | KI | Künstliche Intelligenz | Artificial Intelligence (AI) | | KIF | Konferenz der Informatikfachschaften | Conference of the Computer Science Student Representatives | | KMK/KuMi | Kultusministerium | Ministry of education | | KoMa | Konferenz der Mathematikfachschaften | Conference of the Mathematics Student Representatives | | KOP | Kontrollprüfung | Control exam | | KSuL | Kommission für Studium und Lehre | Commission for Studies and Teaching | | LaGYM | Lehramt Gymnasium | Teaching studies - Gymnasium | | LaRS | Lehramt Realschule | Teaching studies - Realschule | | LASPO | Allgemeine Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für Lehramtsstudiengänge | Study and exam regulations for teaching studies | | laut.com | Leerstühle für Automatentheorie und gemütliche Kommunikation | Chair for automation theory and cosy communication | | LHG | Liberale Hochschulgruppe | Liberal Univertity Group | | LinA | Lineare Algebra | Linear Algebra | | LuRI | Luft- und Raumfahrtinformatik | Aerospace computer science | | MA | Masterarbeit | Master's thesis | | MaPhy | Mathematische Physik | Mathematical Physics | | MaPhyn | Student:in der MaPhy | MaPhy student | | Mathe | Mathematik | mathematics | | MCS | Mensch-Computer-Systeme | Human-Computer-Interaction | | MIND-Center | Mathematische, Informationstechnologische und Naturwissenschaftliche Didaktikzentrum | Didactics centre for Mathematics, Information Technology and Natural Science | | MINT | Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik | Mathematics, Computer Science, Natural Science and Engineering | | MISt | Mathe-Info-Stammtisch | Pub visit (of mathematics and computer science students) | | MK | Medienkommunikation | Media science | | Mordor | Hubland Nord | Campus Hubland North | | Moria | Physikgebäude | Physics building | | OpenColloq | Offenes Informatikkolloquium | Open Computer Science Colloquium | | OS |Betriebssysteme | Operational Systems | | PABS | Programmier-Abgaben-Berwertungs-System | Programming Exercise Evaluation System | | PCR | Project Code Review | Project Code Review | | PfgL | Preis für gute Lehre | Reward for excellent teaching | | Phil/Philo | Philosophische Fakultät | Faculty of Philosophy | | PO | Prüfungsordnung | Exam Regulations | | RA | Rechnerarchitektur | Computer Architecture | | RCDS | Ring christlich-demokratischer Studenten | Christian democratic student group | | REA | Rechenanlagen | Computer Systems | | RZ | Rechenzentrum | Data centre | | s.t. | sine tempore | sine tempore | | Schnuwo | Schnupperwoche | Trial week | | SDS | Sozialistisch-demokratischer Studierendenverband | Socialist democratic students group | | SFB | Studienfachbeschreibungen | Subject regulations | | SKS | Steuerungsprinzipien moderner Kommunikationssysteme | Control principles of modern communication systems | | SS/SoSe | Sommersemester| Summer semester | | SSR | Sprecher- und Sprecherinnenrat | (Students') speakers council | | STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics | | StuV | Studierendenvertretung | Students' council | | SWP | Softwarepraktikum | Practical software course | | SWS | Semesterwochenstunden | hours per week per semester | | SWT | Softwaretechnik | Software technology | | SZK | Studienzuschusskommission | Students' funds' commission | | TB | Teilbibliothek/Technischer Betrieb | Departmental library/ Service centre for security and property management? | | Teilbib | Teilbibliothek | Departmental library | | UB/Bib | Universitätsbibliothek | University library | | UL | Universitätsleitung | University executives | | Uni | Universität | University | | WiInfo | Wirtschaftsinformatik | Business Computer Science | | Wiki | Wiki | Wiki | | WiMa | Wirtschaftsmathematik | Business mathematics | | WiWi | Wirtschaftswissenschaftler | Economists | | WS/WiSe | Wintersemester | Winter semester | | XtAI | eXtended Artificial Intelligence | eXtended Artificial Intelligence | | ZfS | Zentrum für Sprachen | Language centre | | ZBL | Zentrum für Bildung und Lehre | Center for education | | ZiLS | Servicezentrum innovatives Lehren und Studieren | Service Centre for Innovative Teaching and Learning | | ZIM | Zentrum für innere Medizin | Centre for internal medicine | | ZOM | Zentrum für operative Medizin | Centre for surgical medicine |